
TranquilFree from agitation of mind or spirit. Free from disturbance or turmoil. Unvarying in aspect. The emotion of Tranquility is found in the Pericardium meridian in the Fire element. Definition from Dictionary by Merriam-Webster. 


GenerousLiberal in giving. Marked by abundance or ample proportions. Characterized by a noble or kindly spirit. The emotion of Generosity is found in the Pericardium meridian in the Fire element. Definition from Dictionary by Merriam-Webster. 


JealousHostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage. Intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness. Disposed to suspect rivalry or unfaithfulness. Vigilant in guarding a possession. The emotion of Jealousy is found in the Pericardium meridian in the Fire...


ResponsibleHaving an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one’s job or role. Being the primary cause of something and so able to be blamed or credited for it. Morally accountable for one’s behaviour. (of a job...


CalmA period or condition of freedom from storms, high winds, or rough activity of water. (verb) To become calm.  A state of tranquility. Free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance. The emotion of Calm is found in the Pericardium meridian in the Fire...