
LoveStrong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Attraction based on sexual desire. Affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests. Unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. (verb) To hold dear. To...


HysteriaBehavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess. A psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychogenic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral functions. The emotion of Hysteria is...


Relax (verb)To make less tense or rigid. To make less severe or stringent. To relieve from nervous tension. To cast off social restraint, nervous tension, or anxiety. To seek rest or recreation. Of a muscle or muscle fiber- to become inactive and lengthen. To...


Relax (verb)To make less tense or rigid. To make less severe or stringent. To relieve from nervous tension. To cast off social restraint, nervous tension, or anxiety. To seek rest or recreation. Of a muscle or muscle fiber- to become inactive and lengthen. To...


StubbornUnreasonably or perversely unyielding. Justifiably unyielding. Suggestive or typical of a strong stubborn nature. Performed or carried on in an unyielding, obstinate, or persistent manner. Difficult to handle, manage, or treat. The emotion of Stubborness...