Coronavirus Sharing Group

DISCLAIMER: Complementary and Integrative Medicine does NOT cure Coronavirus infections! We want to help people to avoid the infection and to recover quickly.Knowlative wants to bring together knowledge from the Muscle Response Testing Community and Complementary...

What is Covid-19

Note: This text is an extract of Coronavirus Infection (see the source to read the whole article and for a link to reference numbers).What science says about CoronavirusesCoronaviruses are a large family of positive sense RNA single-stranded respiratory viruses. They...

Covid-19 – Personal Advice – March 12th, 2020

Marco Rado is now in Northern Italy in the red zone, I (Ludovico Feletto), before moving to Tenerife, had been working in hospitals there for years and, even if I am not there now, I have a lot of friends fighting this battle in the hospitals.For this reason,...

Coronavirus Infection: Information and Advices

Originally published in Italian by Dr. Roberto Gava. 02/23/2020Original article available here: by Knowlative and used with the permission of the author.In the pdf document the integral...

Wei Chi Format

In creating the new GEMS Elemental class, Alexis Costello have been playing with a format to define wei chi. What has been working for her is:electrical mode x LV 1