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Discovery of Metaphors – Ondrej Bursik


This is a discovery workshop of how to use Metaphors and Acupressure in clinic. This 4 hour workshop will introduce you to the power of metaphors and the benefits of taking a client through a metaphor and holding associate acupuncture points. This workshop is an introduction to professional workshops That Ondrej teaches called “ metaphors and Acupressure” and “Metaphors and Chakras” . Attendees will learn several metaphors and associated acupuncture points, that they can use in clinic at once.

COD: metaphorsbursik Categorie: ,


A powerpoint presentation will be shared as a PDF with participants.

About Ondrej Bursik:

Ondrej is the Director of Optimal Learning Centre. On completing his BA in Psychology at Macquarie University in 1996, Ondrej undertook a two year diploma course in Holistic Kinesiology.

Ondrej currently works at Optimal Learning Centre and lectures in Holistic Kinesiology at the College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney.

Ondrej completed training in:

  • Neurofeedback assessment and analysis
  • Samonas Sound Therapy
  • Primitive Reflex Therapy
  • Interactive MetronomeAlso trained in Neurofeedback assessment and analysis procedures, Samonas Sound Therapy, Primitive Reflex Therapy (INPP) and Interactive Metronome.


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