How to find

With the patient standing and their shoulders in a relaxed position, the spinous process of T7 is generally on the level of the inferior angle of the scapula. Locate BL-46 on the level of the spinous process of T7, 3 cun lateral to the midline. Or: With the patient seated, the spinous process of T3 is generally on the level of the medial end of the scapular spine, an easily palpable bony protrusion at the medial border of the scapula. From there, count down 4 spinous processes to the spinous process of T7. Locate BL-46 on this level, 3 cun lateral to the midline. Or: Find the spinous process of C7. From there, count down 7 spinous processes in an inferior direction to the spinous process of T7. Locate BL-46 on this level, 3 cun lateral to the midline.Located on the same level are GV 09 (Reaching Yang) (on the midline), a point of Ex-B-2 (0.5 cun lateral to the midline) and BL 17 (Diaphragm Shu) (1.5 cun lateral to the midline).


3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, on the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra (T7).


  • Regulates the diaphragm and descends counterflow Qi
  • Harmonises the Middle Heater
  • Opens the channel and alleviates pain
