Extrinsic Eye Muscles

There are six muscles which are responsible for controlling the movement of the eyeballs. These muscles are called extrinsic eye muscles because their origin points are outside of the eyeballs (in the orbit) and insertion points are on the outer surface of the Sclera....

Extrinsic Larynx Muscles – Hyoid Muscles

The extrinsic laryngeal muscles support and position the larynx within the mid-cervical region. They are divided in: Inferior Hyoid Muscles:Sternothyroid muscles depress the larynx.Omohyoid muscles depress the larynx.Sternohyoid muscles depress the larynx.Thyrohyoid...

Intrinsic Tongue Muscles

The intrinsic muscles of the tongue are entirely contained inside the tongue. They are: Superior Lingualis – Longitudinalis Liunguae Superior;Transverse Linguae – Transversus Lingualis;Inferior Lingualis – Longitudinalis Linguae Inferior;Vertical...

Extrinsic Tongue Muscles

The extrinsic muscles of the tongue origin outside the tongue and insert in it. They are: Genioglossus;Hyoglossus;Chondroglossus;Styloglossus;Palatoglossus – Glossopalatinus (that is also part of Palate Muscles).

Intrinsic Eye Muscles

The intrinsic muscles of the eye control two important functions: the size of the pupil: iris muscles (Iris Sphincter Muscle and Iris Dilator Muscle)the shape of the lens: Ciliary Muscle Size of the pupil Circular and radial muscles of the iris, named Iris Sphincter...