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Tao or Dao is a Chinese word (道) signifying "way", "path", "route", "road" or sometimes more loosely "doctrine", "principle" or "holistic beliefs". In the context of East Asian philosophy, Tao is...

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Abdominal Transverse

Hand MonitoringOn the lateral aspect of the shoulder (over the deltoid muscle).Hand StabilizingOn the knees.Monitoring DirectionFrom a shoulder to the opposite one to bend the torso.Note

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5th Toe Bones

The 5th Finger has 3 phalanges: Proximal, Middle and Distal. See Phalanx Bones - Toes for a detailed description.

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2nd Toe Bones

The 2nd Finger has 3 phalanges: Proximal, Middle and Distal. See Phalanx Bones - Toes for a detailed description.

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4th Toe Bones

The 4th Finger has 3 phalanges: Proximal, Middle and Distal. See Phalanx Bones - Toes for a detailed description.

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3rd Toe Bones

The 3rd Finger has 3 phalanges: Proximal, Middle and Distal. See Phalanx Bones - Toes for a detailed description.

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