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Female Health Masterclass


Female health is largely affected, from menarche through menopause, by reproductive health. Sex hormones are deeply connected with every aspect of how we process emotions, with our metabolism and even with our body structure. Compared to male hormones, Female health is way more complex. It is a challenge for every health worker willing to provide the best help to her/his clients. In 3 days, we will explore the galaxy of female health! Hormones, pelvic floor, emotions and archetypes, microbiome, classical Chinese medicine, and much more. We will learn from 4 different points of view, and we will build together a practical protocol.

SKU: femalehealth Categorías: ,,


How can we help with muscle response testing in an effective way with infertility? Menopause? Pain? Menstrual problems? And to all related emotions?

Find out how our panel of expert teachers work with female health. Learn an integrative protocol you can apply to your personal style of muscle testing. See complete details about the course here.

Over three days of learning, this masterclass course is centred around Female Health.

This course is taught by  different instructors, moving from the foundational aspects of formatting the anatomy and physiology to chemistry, to Traditional Chinese Medicine and the emotional/psychological aspects. At the end of each day you can find a protocol demonstrated for students to observe and begin to practice. Day 3 is a half day with a practical demonstration and integration of all techniques as well as a panel discussion with all of the instructors.

Knowlative/K-Conversations Collaborative Courses provide you with the best learning experience a professional masterclass can give: 4 different experts sharing their experience, 1 protocol, practical demonstrations, interactive roundtable, follow-up meeting,… Join us for this wonderful new masterclass!