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Vertebral Muscles of the Neck
This group is composed by: The Anterior Vertebral Muscles of the Neck;The Lateral Vertebral Muscles of the Neck (the Scalene muscles):The Posterior Vertebral Muscles of the Neck: the Sub-occipital...
Neck Muscles
Lotus Holistic Essence Combinations/Mixes
These essences are a mix of Lotus Holistic essences designed to help in specific situations.
Lotus Holistic Sea Essences
Julie Bowman has been working on these essences since 2004.
Lotus Holistic Essences made in the Field of Ikeston
Julie Bowman has been working on these essences since 2004, and these particular essences were made on the Field in Ilkeston - with the kind permission of Weleda.
Lotus Holistic Flower Essences
Julie Bowman has been working on these essences since 2004.
Lotus Holistic Gem Essences
Julie Bowman has been working on these essences since 2004.
Lotus Holistic Essences
Julie Bowman has used these since 1985 with profound results. Julie Bowman is an Advanced Practitioner in the British Flower and Vibrational Essence Association ( Bach are the most...
Lotus Holistic
Where and how did Lotus Holistic Essences evolve? Like many who come to use essences, my first encounter was with Rescue Remedy in 1984. Gradually I started to use other Bach essences and knew what...
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