Contenido gratuito de Web App
Un lugar virtual para charlar sobre kinesiología.
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The inability to say ´no´. Weak willed.“Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. They overtax their strength in their endeavours. Their wish so grows upon them that they...
Fear of something unknown to you.“Vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation, no reason. It is a terror that something awful is going to happen even though it is unclear what...
All the Following Points are the Command Points ( Ancient Shu Points ) associated with the Metal Element, including those of the Central Vessel and Governing Vessel, as described by Richard D. Utt,...
All the Following Points are the Command Points (Ancient Shu Points) associated with the Earth Element, including those of the Central Vessel and Governing Vessel, as described by Richard D. Utt,...
All the Following Points are the Command Points (Ancient Shu Points) associated with the Earth Element.
All the Following Points are the Command Points (Ancient Shu Points) associated with the Earth Element.
TL Test
Hand MonitoringHand StabilizingMonitoring DirectionNoteDuring a maximal contraction of the muscle Therapy Localization/Location (TL) its belly and test an Indicator Muscle (IM). If you are testing a...
Middle Ear Muscles
The middle ear or tympanic cavity is an irregular, laterally compressed space within the temporal bone. It is filled with air, which is conveyed to it from the nasal part of the pharynx through the...
7 Elements Command Points
The 7 Elements Command Points is an expansion of the 5 Ancient Shu Points of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was Richard D. Utt, L.Ac, founder of the branch of Kinesiology know as Applied...
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