Contenido gratuito de Web App
Un lugar virtual para charlar sobre kinesiología.
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Facial Bones of the Skull
The facial bones of the skull form the upper and lower jaws, the nose, nasal cavity and nasal septum, and the orbit. The facial bones include 14 bones, with six paired bones and two unpaired bones:...
Open Stax – CNX
OpenStax believes that everyone has something to learn, and everyone has something to teach. Frustrated by the limitations of traditional textbooks and courses, Dr. Richard Baraniuk founded OpenStax...
Axial Skeleton
The skeleton is subdivided into two major divisions—the axial and appendicular. The axial skeleton forms the vertical, central axis of the body and includes all bones of the head, neck, chest, and...
Brain Case – Cranial Vault
The brain case contains and protects the brain. The interior space that is almost completely occupied by the brain is called the cranial cavity. This cavity is bounded superiorly by the rounded top...
Bone Atlas
This atlas describes all human bones with beautiful images and detailed descriptions. You can use it as a quick anatomy reference or, if you need to test all muscles moving a specific bone...
The Skull
The cranium (skull) is the skeletal structure of the head that supports the face and protects the brain. It is subdivided in 2 parts (see picture 1): [[FacialBones]]: The facial bones underlie the...
Flower Essence Combos – Findhorn
Gem Essences – Findhorn
Elemental Essences – Findhorn
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