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Phalanx Bones – Toes
The bones of the foot are divided into three groups. The anterior group, the toes, contain 14 small bones, each of which is a phalanx bone of the foot. The phalanx bones (phalanges) are arranged in...
1st Metatarsal Bone
The First Metatarsal Bone (os metatarsale I; metatarsal bone of the great toe) is remarkable for its great thickness, and is the shortest of the metatarsal bones. The body is strong, and of...
2nd Metatarsal Bone
The Second Metatarsal Bone (os metatarsale II) is the longest of the metatarsal bones, being prolonged backward into the recess formed by the three cuneiform bones. Its base is broad above, narrow...
4th Metatarsal Bone
The Fourth Metatarsal Bone (os metatarsale IV) is smaller in size than the preceding; its base presents an oblique quadrilateral surface for articulation with the cuboid; a smooth facet on the...
5th Metatarsal Bone
The Fifth Metatarsal Bone (os metatarsale V) is recognized by a rough eminence, the tuberosity, on the lateral side of its base. The base articulates behind, by a triangular surface cut obliquely in...
3rd Metatarsal Bone
The Third Metatarsal Bone (os metatarsale III) articulates proximally, by means of a triangular smooth surface, with the third cuneiform; medially, by two facets, with the second metatarsal; and...
Medial Cuneiform
The First Cuneiform Bone (os cuneiform primum; internal cuneiform) is the largest of the three cuneiforms. It is situated at the medial side of the foot, between the navicular behind and the base of...
Intermediate Cuneiform Bone
The Second Cuneiform Bone (os cuneiforme secundum; middle cuneiform), the smallest of the three, is of very regular wedge-like form, the thin end being directed downward. It is situated between the...
The Cuboid Bone (os cuboideum) is placed on the lateral side of the foot, in front of the calcaneus, and behind the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. It is of a pyramidal shape, its base being...
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