Contenido gratuito de Web App

Un lugar virtual para charlar sobre kinesiología.


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Talocalcaneonavicular Articulation

(articulatio talocalcaneonavicularis) This articulation is an arthrodial joint: the rounded head of the talus being received into the concavity formed by the posterior surface of the navicular, the...

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Calcaneocuboid Articulation

(articulatio calcaneocuboidea; articulation of the calcaneus with the cuboid) The ligaments connecting the calcaneus with the cuboid are five in number: the articular capsule, the dorsal...

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Transverse tarsal joint

The transverse tarsal joint is formed by the articulation of the calcaneus with the cuboid, and the articulation of the talus with the navicular. The movement which takes place in this joint is more...

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Tibio-Fibular Joints

The proximal and distal tibiofibular joints refer to two articulations between the tibia and fibula of the leg. These joints have minimal function in terms of movement but play a greater role in...

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The knee joint is the largest joint of the body (Picture 1). It actually consists of three articulations: The femoropatellar joint is found between the patella and the distal femur.The medial...

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Hip Joint

The hip joint is a multiaxial ball-and-socket joint between the head of the femur and the acetabulum of the hip bone (Picture 1). The hip carries the weight of the body and thus requires strength...

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Metacarpophalangeal Articulations

(Articulationes Metacarpophalangeae; Metacarpophalangeal Joints) These articulations are of the condyloid kind, formed by the reception of the rounded heads of the metacarpal bones into shallow...

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