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Reactive Mode
Open hand over the head of the tested person. You can use your hand or the hand of the person. The hand should not touch the head. Normally this mode is used to find Reactive Muscles but, combined...
Yuan (Source) Points
Each of the 12 Primary Meridians has a Yuan point (also called Source Points). They are located near the wrist or ankle joints. Through this points the Vital Energy (Yuan Qi) of the organs passes...
Article: Nerves and Brain Holograms, with Hugo Tobar
By Alexis Costello, (from the Fall 2018 issue of KinesioGeek Magazine, Getting on My Nerves) Hugo Tobar is well known in the Specialized Kinesiology field for his creation of multiple interesting...
TMJ Class
In this group you can find all the informations about the Temporo-Mandibular Joint. This informations can be complementary and useful for those that teaches classes or work on this joint, especially...
Article: Essential Sound, with Evelyn Mulders
By Alexis Costello (Fall 2019 issue KinesioGeek Magazine, Healing with Sound) Flower essences and homeopathics have a long history of use in holistic health. Here I have an opportunity to chat with...
Interview: Terry Larder, founder of the Classical Kinesiology Institute
his article has been published in the June 2019 Knowlative Newsletter, the 6th of June 2019. Chakras, auras and flower essences A Kinesiologists take on the use of flower essences…. We asked Terry...
Spine Physiology
This group is made of different Units of Knowledge taught in the “Spine Physiology” workshop.
“Spine Physiology” Muscles
In the workshop Spine Physiology, are presented all the muscles that has the Origin or the Insertion from the first cervical vertebra (C1) to the Coccyx.
Los contenidos que puedes ver aquí son limitados y carecen de todos los enlaces, imágenes y medios. Si desea navegar por el contenido completo, ¡crea una cuenta de web App GRATIS!