Contenido gratuito de Web App
Un lugar virtual para charlar sobre kinesiología.
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[Neurolymphatic Reflex] 0,5 Cun Lateral to Navel
0,5 Cun lateral to navel, at the same level. Bilaterally.
[Neurolymphatic Reflex] 1 Cun Up from Xiphoid
On the sternum, in the midline, 1 Cun up from the xiphoid process.
[Neurolymphatic Reflex] 1 Cun Up and 1 Cun Lat from Navel
1 Cun above and 1 Cun lateral to the navel. Bilaterally.
[Neurolymphatic Reflex] 2 Cun Up and 1 Cun Lat from Navel
2 Cun above and 1 Cun lateral to the navel. Bilaterally.
NeuroVascular Reflexes
NeuroVascular reflexes (NV) are an important tool for balancing muscles.They were first described by a chiropractor named Terence Bennet in the early 1930s. Terence developed a technique that...
[Neurolymphatic Reflex] 2nd ICS Wide
2,5-3,5 Cun from the sternum, on and between 2nd and 3rd ribs (2nd InterCostal Space). Bilaterally.
[Neurovascular Reflex] Lambdoid Suture
On the sides at the back of the skull.
[Neurolymphatic Reflex] 6th ICS Left Arch
An arch on the left side between the 6h and 7th ribs (6th InterCostal Space), under the breast on the left part. From the mamillary line to the sternum.
[Neurolymphatic Reflex] 1st ICS Lateral
On the 1st InterCostal Space (between 1st and 2nd ribs), 1,5-3 Cun from the edge of the sternum. Bilaterally.
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