Contenido gratuito de Web App

Un lugar virtual para charlar sobre kinesiología.


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Aquí puedes encontrar todos los contenidos que son accesibles dentro de la Web App con una Cuenta Gratuita. Cada nuevo contenido gratuito de la WebApp se vuelve a publicar aquí.

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Liposoluble Vitamins

There are 4 fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K).Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of lipids (fats). Vitamins A and D can accumulate in the body, which can result...

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Dietary supplements

A dietary supplement is a product (other than tobacco) thatis intended to supplement the diet;contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins; minerals; herbs or other botanicals; amino...

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The term vitamin was derived from "vitamine", a compound word coined in 1912 by the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk when working at the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine. The name is from vital...

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Medline Plus

MedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).Their mission is to present...

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Limit Virus Contagion

No virus is able to live and reproduce outside of a living being (man or animal), but it can survive some time outside (it is believed that the Coronavirus cannot survive more than a few hours...

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Prevention is the first defense

Note: this technique is adapted from a text written by Roberto Gava. Numbers refers to the sources of his article that is listed as reference.AimThe first prevention must aim to keep our immune...

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