Contenido gratuito de Web App

Un lugar virtual para charlar sobre kinesiología.


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I am from Ukraine. I am a primary school teacher in Kyiv. Kinesiology is my hobby. I practice Kinergetics and I am instructor for Reset. I have good family - two beutifol daughtes and husbend and...

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I am from Ukraine. I am a primary school teacher in Kyiv. Kinesiology is my hobby. I practice Kinergetics and I am instructor for Reset. I have good family - two beutifol daughtes and husbend and...

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Functional Diagnostic Nutrition PractitionerTouch for Health - Level 4K-Power SeriesAK Shortcuts 1-3Donna Eden Advanced ChakraWellness Inventory Level 2 CoachBreakthrough Life Coach

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Shang Han Lun

The Shang Han Lun (伤寒论) is certainly among the classical texts of Chinese medicine, one of the best known and commented.The author of the Shang Han Lun is Zhang Zhong Jing (150-219 AD), who lived...

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Zhang Zhong Jing

Zhang Zhong Jing (張仲景),  lived from approximately 150 to 219 AD. He was one of the most eminent Chinese physicians during the later years of the Han dynasty. He was also a pharmacologist,...

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Dr. W. David Berglund

Dr. W David Berglund was born in Fort Sill, Oklahoma while his Marine father was learning to arm and disarm nuclear weapons. Being a military brat he lived in many different states while he was...

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