Contenido gratuito de Web App
Un lugar virtual para charlar sobre kinesiología.
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An Emotion is:a conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and...
Oxford Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary:
Chakra Mode
Index finger over the nail of thumb.Use this mode to access the information of Chakras.Test what chakra is involved by placing the chakra mode over the area of the chakra and testing an indicator...
Chakras can be thought of as vortices - spinning wheels of energy that allow for an exchange of frequency with the environment. There are seven major chakras in the body - the ones that you usually...
Lisbeth Sorensen
Danish kinesiologist situated on the island of Funen, Denmark.
Working with Chakras
A little information about each of the seven major chakras has been included in Knowlative, including a brief description of the organs and glands they each are connected to and some of the...
Haric Line
'Hara' is the Japanese word that correlates to the tan tien in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Barbara Ann Brennan in her book "Hands of Light" describes the haric line of energy as being a quantum...
Olha Lytvynenko
Lydia Bose
Heilpraktiker; Managing Director of DGAK; National Faculty Breakthroughs; Board Member IASK• 20 years of experience as kinesiologist and...
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