Contenido gratuito de Web App

Un lugar virtual para charlar sobre kinesiología.


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HopelessHaving no expectation of good or success. Not susceptible to remedy or cure. Incapable of redemption or improvement. Giving no reason to expect good or success. Giving no ground...

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Humiliate (verb)To reduce someone to a lower position in one's own eyes or others' eyes. To make someone ashamed or embarrassed. To make someone feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity...

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LonelyBeing without company. Cut off from others. Not frequented by human beings. Sad from being alone. Producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation. The emotion of Lonely is found in the Triple...

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HeavinessHaving great weight. Having a high specific gravity. Having great weight in proportion to bulk. Difficult to bear. Often causing or characterized by severe pain or suffering. Of...

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DespondentFeeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression. In low spirits from loss of hope or courage.The emotion of Despondent is found in the Triple Heater meridian in...

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LightnessThe quality or state of being illuminated. The quality or state of being light especially in weight. Lack of seriousness and stability of character often accompanied by casual...

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ElationMarked by high spirits. Pathological euphoria. Great happiness and exhilaration.In high spirits; exultant or proud.The emotion of Elation is found in the Triple Heater meridian in the Fire...

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DespairUtter loss of hope. A cause of hopelessness. (verb) To lose all hope or confidence. The emotion of Despair is found in the Triple Heater meridian in the Fire element....

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ShockA sudden or violent mental or emotional disturbance.A disturbance in the equilibrium or permanence of something.Something that causes such disturbance.A state of being so disturbed. (being in...

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