
ApathyLack of feeling or emotion. Lack of interest or concern. The emotion of Apathy is found in the Large Intestine meridian in the Metal element. Definition from Dictionary by Merriam-Webster.


GriefDeep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement. A cause of such suffering. Annoying or playful criticism. An unfortunate outcome. The emotion of Grief is found in the Large Intestine meridian in the Metal element.Definition from Dictionary by...

Letting Go

Let go (verb)To relax or release one’s hold. To abandon self-restraint. Let fly. To dismiss from employment. To fail to take care of. The emotion of Letting Go is found in the Large Intestine meridian in the Metal element. Definition from Dictionary by...


MercyCompassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one’s power. Lenient or compassionate treatment. A blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion. A fortunate circumstance. Compassionate treatment of those in distress....


EnthusiasmStrong excitement of feeling. Something inspiring zeal or fervor. Religious fanaticism. The emotion of Enthusiasm is found in the Large Intestine meridian in the Metal element.Definition from Dictionary by Merriam-Webster.