Spine Physiology

This group is made of different Units of Knowledge taught in the “Spine Physiology” workshop. 

“Spine Physiology” Muscles

In the workshop Spine Physiology, are presented all the muscles that has the Origin or the Insertion from the first cervical vertebra (C1) to the Coccyx. 

Interview: Trudi Nichols, wings of gold essences

This article has been published in the June 2019 Knowlative Newsletter, the 6th of June 2019. Embracing the New Era: Energies and Changes with the Flower Essences Trudi Nichols is an Essence producer and practitioner, reflexologist, crystal, and energy healer, also...

Article: Everything is Frequency

By Michelle B Waines Greenwell, (Fall 2019 issue of KinesioGeek Magazine – Healing with Sound) “Everything is Frequency” and so Begins the Healing Process In order to understand “Healing with Sound”, an individual must change their whole perspective on the human...