Wings of Gold Essences

The Wings of Gold essences are made with waters sourced from organic land and decanted with highest quality organic brandy, all attuned to the new energies that are arriving. Each Essence has its own individual colour frequency of one or two colours that is clearly...

Essences (Flowers, Gems,…)

´Flower essences are liquid extracts used to address profound issues of emotional well-being, soul development, and mind-body health. They are part of an emerging field of subtle energy medicine, which also includes homeopathy, acupuncture, colour therapy, therapeutic...

Jet Lag Syndrome

Overview The Jet lag is “a condition that is characterized by various psychological and physiological effects (such as fatigue and irritability), occurs following long flight through several time zones (2 or more), and probably results from disruption of circadian...

Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education and research, providing expert, whole-person care to everyone who needs healing. The mission is to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to...

Wings of Gold

The Wings of Gold mission statement is: to be of Service to ALL. To set the Highest Intention and Energy in everything we do and create. To make available the best tools, that will enable ALL to realise their TRUE potential and Birthright – which is, to live a...