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Tao or Dao is a Chinese word (道) signifying "way", "path", "route", "road" or sometimes more loosely "doctrine", "principle" or "holistic beliefs". In the context of East Asian philosophy, Tao is...
Book: Holistic Freedom – A KinesioGeek Workbook
Holistic Freedom A KinesioGeek Workbook - Ten Rules to creating the Holistic Business of your dreams (and having fun doing it!), By Alexis Costello From the book cover: It’s not easy. This life you...
Abdominal Transverse
Hand MonitoringOn the lateral aspect of the shoulder (over the deltoid muscle).Hand StabilizingOn the knees.Monitoring DirectionFrom a shoulder to the opposite one to bend the torso.Note
Opponentes Pollicis and Digiti Minimi
Hand MonitoringPlace one or two fingers of each hand inside the ring.Hand StabilizingMonitoring Direction Test to pull thumb and little finger apart. Note This test is "positive" even if only the...
5th Toe Bones
The 5th Finger has 3 phalanges: Proximal, Middle and Distal. See Phalanx Bones - Toes for a detailed description.
2nd Toe Bones
The 2nd Finger has 3 phalanges: Proximal, Middle and Distal. See Phalanx Bones - Toes for a detailed description.
4th Toe Bones
The 4th Finger has 3 phalanges: Proximal, Middle and Distal. See Phalanx Bones - Toes for a detailed description.
3rd Toe Bones
The 3rd Finger has 3 phalanges: Proximal, Middle and Distal. See Phalanx Bones - Toes for a detailed description.
Hallux – 1st Toe Bones
The Hallux has 2 phalanges: Proximal and Distal. See Phalanx Bones - Toes for a detailed description.
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