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Biceps Femoris
Hand MonitoringProximal to the ankle. Hand StabilizingOn the thigh, to firmly hold it on the table. Monitoring DirectionPush in the direction to extend the knee. Note
Abductor Digiti Minimi – Foot
Hand MonitoringOn the lateral and distal aspect of fifth metatarsal bone. Hand Stabilizing Medial aspect of calcaneus. Monitoring DirectionPush to adduct foot. Note
External Sphincter Ani
Hand MonitoringHand StabilizingMonitoring DirectionNote
Internal Sphincter Ani
Hand MonitoringHand StabilizingMonitoring DirectionNote
Quadratus Lumborum – Ileocostal Division
Hand MonitoringSlightly cranially then the ankle. Hand StabilizingOn the contralateral greater trochanter. Monitoring DirectionPull to adduct the legs. Note
Quadratus Lumborum – Iliolumbar division
Hand MonitoringJust cranially then the ankle of the side to be monitored. Hand StabilizingOn the greater trochanter. Monitoring DirectionPull to adduct both legs. Note
Hand MonitoringHand StabilizingMonitoring DirectionNote
Multifidus Lumbar
Hand MonitoringAbove the ankle of the leg of the side being tested. Hand StabilizingOn the hip of the opposite side being tested. Monitoring DirectionAdduct the legs. Note
Longus Colli
Hand MonitoringHand StabilizingMonitoring DirectionTest an Indicator Muscle while touching with a Therapy Localization/Location (TL) the belly of the Muscle. Note
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