Harmonic Resonance for the New Year!
When people synchronize their hearts, emotions and energies, this creates a coherent energy that spreads and affects others, all around the world.
Join us as we set intentions and vibrations for 2022, sharing a web of positivity with this fun and free event!
PLAYBACK from December 30, 2021
On December 30th, 2021 we did a meditation that lasted over an hour, with participants from all over the world to create a positive resonance.
We did a little self-therapy, a group rebalancing, a little guided meditation and some music (didjeridoo and Celtic harp).
People from all over the world, were connected at the same time and it was translated into various languages
(English, Italian, Spanish, German and Russian). The goal was to create union and harmony and bring it all over the world for a harmonious 2022.
As we all know, there is a need for positive harmony to face this difficult period. This event is free and open to all.
Guided Meditation with Debbie Rossi (Australia)
Acupressure for Self Care with Marco Rado (Italy)
Building Chi with Breath and GEMS Matrix Balance with Alexis Costello (Costa Rica)
Grounded Earth Energy Music with Brendan O’Hara (Australia)
Light Frequency Music with Alizbar (Russia)
Creating Harmonic Resonance with Marco Rado (Italy)
Farewell with Alexis Costello (Costa Rica)

To access the meditation please click here