von admin | Sep. 16, 2022 | Frequency
ConsiderationContinuous and careful thought. A matter weighed or taken into account when formulating an opinion or plan. Thoughtful and sympathetic regard. An opinion obtained by reflection. The emotion of Consideration is found in the Spleen meridian in the Earth...
von admin | Sep. 15, 2022 | Frequency
Anxiety Apprehensive uneasiness or nervousness usually over an impending or anticipated ill. A state of being anxious. Mentally distressing concern or interest. A strong desire sometimes mixed with doubt, fear, or uneasiness. A cause of anxiety. Anxiety is an...
von admin | Sep. 15, 2022 | Frequency
FaithAllegiance to duty or a person. Sincerity of intentions. Belief and trust in and loyalty to God, or something else. Firm belief in something for which there is no proof. Complete trust. Something that is believed especially with strong conviction. Specifically,...
von admin | Sep. 15, 2022 | Frequency
Disapprove (verb)To pass unfavorable judgment on. To refuse approval to. To feel or express disapproval. The emotion of Disapproved is found in the Spleen meridian in the Earth element. Definition from Dictionary by Merriam-Webster.
von admin | Sep. 15, 2022 | Frequency
AssuranceA being certain in the mind. Confidence of mind or manner. Easy freedom from self-doubt or uncertainty. Something that inspires or tends to inspire confidence. The act or action of assuring someone or something. The emotion of Assurance is found in...