von admin | Sep. 30, 2022 | Frequency
ProudFeeling or showing pride. Having or displaying excessive self-esteem. Much pleased. Having proper self-respect. Marked by stateliness. Giving reason for pride. The emotion of Proud is found in the Gall Bladder meridian in the Wood element. Definition from...
von admin | Sep. 30, 2022 | Frequency
HumbleNot proud or haughty. Not arrogant or assertive. Reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission. Ranking low in a hierarchy or scale. Not costly or luxurious. (verb) To make someone humble in...
von admin | Sep. 30, 2022 | Frequency
ChoiceThe act of choosing. Power of choosing. The best part. A number and variety to choose among. Care in selecting. Worthy of being chosen. Selected with care. Of high quality. The concept of Choice is found in the Gall Bladder meridian in the Wood element....
von admin | Sep. 30, 2022 | Frequency
ImpotentNot potent. Lacking in power, strength, or vigor. Unable to engage in sexual intercourse because of inability to have and maintain an erection. Incapable of self-restraint. The emotion of Impotent is found in the Gall Bladder meridian in the Wood element....
von admin | Sep. 30, 2022 | Frequency
PassiveActed upon by an external agency. Receptive to outside impressions or influences. Lacking in energy or will. Tending not to take an active or dominant part. Induced by an outside agency. Not active or operating. Of, relating to, or characterized...