Scalenus Medius

Hand Monitoring On the temporal region of the head.  Hand Stabilizing Over the same shoulder of where the head is turned. Monitoring DirectionCoronally extend head on neck. Note

Longus Capitis

Hand MonitoringWith lateral aspect of hand on maxillary and frontal bones. Hand StabilizingControlateral shoulder. Monitoring DirectionExtend head on neck, through sagittal plane. Note

Scalenus Anterior

Hand MonitoringOn the temporal region of the head. Hand StabilizingOver the same shoulder of where the head is turned. Monitoring DirectionObliquely posterior direction. Note

Scalenus Posterior

Hand MonitoringOn posterior temporal area of the head. Hand StabilizingContralateral shoulder. Monitoring DirectionCoronally extend head on neck. Note

Article: Distance Sessions

The wonderful world of distance sessions. In the Kinesiology world, we do some really weird stuff. But distance sessions kick up the weird quotient to uncomfortable heights for some people. So let’s a take a moment to discuss what happens in a distance session and how...