Monica Merlini

Kinesiologist, Physical Education Teacher, Pilates certified instructor, Shiatsu practitioner and instructor, Founder of Wave Studio and creator of the Quantik Pilates® method and of the Stress Free® method.

Philip Rafferty

In his early 20s, Philip Rafferty was intrigued when a petite woman muscle-tested him for food allergies. As she held certain substances to his body, he was unable to maintain strength in his Anterior Deltoid muscle, (the muscle you use when you hold your arm out)....

Kinesiology and Fear in Quarantine

Firstly, I would like to thank the people who have made this initiative possible, those who first had the idea, created Knowlative, and developed and supported it. At long last, something concrete that can be shared and to which everybody can contribute for the...


A vitamin is an organic molecule (or related set of molecules) that is an essential micronutrient that an organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of its metabolism. Essential nutrients cannot be synthesized in the organism, either at all or not...