MRT3: Refine your skills

If you are familiar with the concepts expressed in Key Energy Kinesiology Concepts (readme first), Muscle Response Test 1: How a muscle can be and Muscle Response Test 2: Different ways of testing, you can explore a little further and learn some of the features of...

Applied Kinesiology (AK)

Applied Kinesiology generally refers to the techniques and modalitites that stem from the work of George J. Goodheart, Jr, D.C.. These modalities were not designed for laypeople, rather they assume that the practitioner in question has a background in medical...

Touch for Health related Knowledge

Touch for Health is one of the first and more known Energy Kinesiology modalities (see Modality – School – Branch). To help students that are learning it and instructors that want to use our Knowledge to teach it in class, this Group gathers all we have in...

Unit of Knowledge

The basic piece of knowledge in Knowlative is a Unit of Knowledge. A Unit can belong to one of our families of Knowledge (e.g.: #Vocabulary, #Meridian, #Technique, #Reference,…). Any draft you write, definition you see, technique you use in you work, in...

First Aid Kit

If you have to help someone fast, are not at home or need a immediate boost, try one of these techniques:   For any kind of stress. Basic 14 MusclesBalancing TapHydration – DehydrationAlarm Points Test with  Tonification and sedation points – Ancient Shu Points...