von admin | Nov. 29, 2021 | Vocabulary
Some kinesiologists also work with eight extra meridians. These are believed to be the first meridians that develop in the foetus and carry the baby’s genetic inheritance. They run deep within the body and provide the other meridians with life force energy....
von admin | Nov. 29, 2021 | Vocabulary
Yin and yang are fundamental concepts in the oriental view of the world. Everything manifests through an interplay of opposites: yin and yang. Everything has yin and yang qualities within them, but the balance between yin and yang varies. Yang qualities include...
von admin | Nov. 29, 2021 | Vocabulary
In traditional Chinese Medicine the material world is seen to be made up of five elements: WoodFireEarthMetalWater The five elements interact and have specific relationships with each other. Each element also has a relationship with a season, a stage in the life cycle...
von admin | Nov. 29, 2021 | Reference
Learn about the history of kinesiology and the different systems that have evolved – Touch for Health, Applied Physiology, Health Kinesiology, Kinergetics, PKP, Three In One and more. Read about the key concepts and what happens in a session. Read case studies...
von admin | Nov. 29, 2021 | Technique
In kinesiology each meridian is associated with one or more muscles. For example, the central meridian is associated with the supraspinatus. The spleen meridian is associated with five muscles: latissimus dorsi, lower trapezius, middle trapezius, opponens pollicis...