von admin | Okt. 30, 2021 | Meridian
The Bladder Main channel is the Yang channel associated to Water Element (水 shuǐ). The bladder is called the ‘Minister of the Reservoir’ and is responsible for storing and excreting the urinary waste fluids passed down from the kidneys. As an organ, the...
von admin | Okt. 30, 2021 | Vocabulary
See Hand Mode (HM).
von admin | Okt. 30, 2021 | Vocabulary
A language system based on hands positions (like sign language or like mudras), whereby particular fingers touches specific points on other fingers while a muscle test is performed. Hand Modes (HM) or Finger Modes (FM) were first described and introduced in the...
von admin | Okt. 30, 2021 | Meridian
The Stomach Main channel is the Yang channel associated with Earth Element (土 tǔ). The Stomach is called the ‘Minister of the Mill’ and is also known as the ‘Sea of Nourishment’. Because it is responsible for providing the entire system with...
von admin | Okt. 30, 2021 | Vocabulary
It’s the procedure of adding more and more information in the Pause Lock (Circuit) mechanism. Used originally by Alan Beardall D.C. , inventor of the Pause-Lock mechanism, it’s used extensively in Applied Physiology (AP – (Richard D. Utt, L.Ac) and...