
HopelessHaving no expectation of good or success. Not susceptible to remedy or cure. Incapable of redemption or improvement. Giving no reason to expect good or success. Giving no ground for hope. Incapable of solution, management, or accomplishment. The emotion...


Humiliate (verb)To reduce someone to a lower position in one’s own eyes or others’ eyes. To make someone ashamed or embarrassed. To make someone feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and pride.The emotion of Humiliation is found in the Triple...


LonelyBeing without company. Cut off from others. Not frequented by human beings. Sad from being alone. Producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation. The emotion of Lonely is found in the Triple Heater meridian in the Fire element. Definition from Dictionary by...


HeavinessHaving great weight. Having a high specific gravity. Having great weight in proportion to bulk. Difficult to bear. Often causing or characterized by severe pain or suffering. Of weighty import. Characterized by depth or intensity. Borne down by something...


DespondentFeeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression. In low spirits from loss of hope or courage.The emotion of Despondent is found in the Triple Heater meridian in the Fire element. Definition from Dictionary by Merriam-Webster and...